
优质学习是多维的. 滔滔不绝地读课本上的图表和数字, 或者听教授解释理论概念, 还不够开发一个工作吗, 对复杂现实的深刻理解. 让那些现实活过来, 它们必须被遵守, 在自然环境中被戏弄和测试. 工程师通常以渴望实验和修补而闻名. 在沃拉沃拉大学工程学院, this urge to explore is channeled into deep learning: curiosity has space to develop in our first-rate laboratories. All students—from freshman to seniors—work in engineering laboratories to gain hands-on experience that reinforces their classroom education, 从机器装配到机器人, 流体力学与结构. Take a tour of our facilities below to get an idea of the spaces you would get to enjoy as a 沃拉沃拉大学 engineering student.



Take a virtual tour through our lab facilities and imagine yourself studying here.

  1. 点击上面的播放按钮.
  2. Browse through our 13 labs using the navigation panel at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Use your mouse to click around in the lab and "push" or "pull" the image, 您还可以使用鼠标上的滚轮放大和缩小.
  4. Use the drop-down elements below to learn about the different labs pictured above.


This lab space is focused on performing civil engineering structural tests. At the heart of the lab is a structural testing pit with a large steel load frame, 一个50基普的驱动器, 100 kip执行器和用于数据采集的Instron控制器. The lab also features an Instron 135 kip load frame with computer control and data acquisition, 哪一种是用来测试钢筋等材料的, wood, 混凝土和土工织物. 它也用于与学生项目相关的材料测试, and a fair amount of material testing in partnership with local engineering industries. Heavy materials can be moved around the lab with an overhead bridge crane with two five-ton hooks.


  • ENGR 321L -材料力学实验室
  • engr323 -土木工程材料
  • engr442 -钢筋混凝土结构设计
  • engr443 -木结构设计


Students use this lab to test and explore the theories they learn in Electromechanical Energy Conversion (EMEC) class. 该空间包含机械连接的交流和直流机器, 三相变压器组, LabVolt 200瓦电机系统, 两个无刷3千瓦伺服电机和驱动器, and a small dynamometer for characterizing permanent magnet DC (PMDC) machines. Instrumentation in the lab includes Fluke three-phase power and energy analyzers, B&K DC loads, Gauss meters, strobes, data acquisition modules, and torque sensing load cells. 除了获得学习EMEC原理的实践经验, students also gain experience wiring industrial electrical control cabinets, 包括执行锁定/标记程序.


  • ENGR 318L -机电能量转换实验室


The WWU 流体实验室 contains equipment for the study of fluid behavior and thermal processes, 包括一个流体闭流试验台, 用于研究明渠水流的倾斜水槽, 一个低速风洞, 一种热交换装置, 暖通空调试验台, 一个Bohlin CVO流变仪和一个高压试验箱. 完成engr331 -流体力学后, students will get hands-on exposure to many of these various aspects of fluid mechanics study in engr364 -流体力学实验室.


  • engr364 -流体力学实验室


在这个实验室里, a Stratasys industrial 3D printer and a Makergear prosumer 3D printer support fabrication of parts for students and industrial clients. Students operate a service bureau for industrial clients (under faculty supervision), 提供设计服务和原型制作. 了解更多关于增材制造实验室的信息.


  • 各种学生和教师项目


材料实验室用于研究各种工程材料. 五台炉用于金属热处理, so that students can study the treatments’ impacts on the material properties of samples. 几个设备,包括两个洛氏硬度计, 夏比/伊佐德冲击试验机一台, 淬透性测试仪, 两台tinus Olsen万能试验机, and multiple microscopes—are used to study samples before and after treatment. Samples can be prepared with the aid of a Struers grinding/polishing machine and a belt sander. 本实验室提供全面的热处理能力, 退火和硬化金属, as well as the ability to test the tensile properties and impact strength of metals, 以及各种材料的硬度.


  • 工程材料实验室


This lab is used to teach robotics and factory automation with the aid of two Yaskawa Motoman robot manipulators, 自动化直接PLC的数量, 气动元件和定制线性执行器. Mori Seiki CNC turning and machining centers provide industrial grade fabrication capability. An adjacent machine shop is equipped with manual lathe and milling machines and other tools to support machining, assembly, 和修补.


  • ENGR 467 -机器人技术
  • engr480 -制造系统
  • 各种高级项目


本实验室设备支持生物材料设计, research, 以及高级项目的开发, 生物研究课, 生物工程材料类, 以及默多克基金研究员. 所有实验室的主要设备,包括一台静电纺丝机, 第二代生物打印机也可以静电纺丝, 一个生物反应器, and two tumblers for mixing polymers and solvents—were designed and built by engineering students and staff.


  • BIOL 316 -生物研究导论II
  • 生物工程材料
  • 生物学版416 -生物学研究


This lab supports students as they construct and experiment with model airplanes/UAVs and quadcopters for Mechanics of Flight class, 以及各种高级项目. An industrial laser cutter and a heavily modified CNC hot wire foam cutter enable rapid prototyping and efficient construction of various components, and fabrication of composite structures is supported by vacuum bagging equipment and an exhaust hood. Both in-house-developed and commercial software is available for designing aircraft wings and fuselages.


  • ENGR 475L -飞行力学实验室
  • 各种高级项目


Students studying engineering electronics and power electronics use this lab to gain hands-on experience with electronics equipment, and to experiment with the real-world applications of classroom theory. 它包含8个工作站, 每个都配备了射频信号发生器, 矢量网络分析仪/频谱分析仪, 数字示波器, 函数生成器, 图形万用表, 电源, 手工具, 还有一台电脑. A variety of other test equipment for more specialized measurements resides in this lab, 包括泰克半导体曲线示踪器, 网络和频谱分析仪, 频率计数器.


  • ENGR 356L/357L -工程电子实验室 & II)
  • engr460 -电力电子


学习数字逻辑的学生, 数字设计, 嵌入式系统, 仪器和VLSI设计使用这个实验室来支持他们的研究. 几个高级项目也使用了这个实验室. The lab contains eight identical workstations each equipped with a Tektronix TBS 2000 series oscilloscope, 菲利普斯200mhz Combiscope(模拟) & Digital), Agilent 33250A 80mhz任意波形和函数发生器, 泰克5201逻辑分析仪, 一个HP6236B三路电源, 福禄克8846A电压表, 以及Linux/Windows双引导工作站. 这些电脑配备了Kicad, Xilinx, MATLAB, LTspice, Keil, 以及各种其他软件包来支持设计任务.


  • engr325l -仪器实验室
  • engr354 -数字逻辑
  • engr355 -嵌入式系统
  • engr433 -数字设计
  • 超大规模集成电路设计


Students construct and analyze basic electronic circuitry in this lab to augment principles taught in classes like Circuit Analysis and Linear Systems Analysis. 这个实验室有九个工作站, 每个都配置了泰克TDS-210数字示波器, HP-6235A三路电源, Fluke 45台式和115真RMS手持式仪表, 和Siglent sdg805信号发生器. 每个站点还配有一台计算机,用于数据收集和分析.


  • engr228l -电路分析实验室
  • 线性系统分析


The 电气工程项目实验室 serves as the primary space for fabrication of electronic circuits. Custom student and faculty electronic designs usually have commercial-printed circuit boards fabricated elsewhere, although we can make simple PCBs using our LPKF Protomat S62 milling machine. 收到印刷电路板后, we can place parts on them using the lab’s surface mount manual pick-and-place machines, 焊锡膏分配器, 和工业批量回流炉. Stereo microscopes and a hot-air rework station enable circuit inspection and repair. 基本的测试仪器可用于快速测试, although completed assemblies are usually taken to Analog or Digital labs for further work.


  • 各种学生和教师项目